I’m a big fan of technology. Farmers RECC depends on it to deliver safe, reliable electricity to you at the lowest possible cost.
Yet I still prefer the low-tech approach when it comes to calendars. I find satisfaction in turning a paper page to begin a new month. That’s especially true as I flip to January 2021, leaving behind memories associated with words like closed, cancelled and postponed.
The roadblocks of 2020 forced your co-op to muscle up and demonstrate its resilience again and again. When the going got tough, we were always tougher. We can all take pride in that accomplishment.
But now it’s time to get back to the future — on to a new year, renewed hope and great things here at Farmers RECC. Here are a few things we’re doing in 2021:
Employing next generation technology. We’ll continue to expand and maintain our use of advanced technologies to provide the best possible service to members. From the way we monitor electricity distribution to how we attract new jobs to the area, Farmers RECC is committed to leading with innovations.
Creating new jobs. As one of Kentucky’s Touchstone Energy Cooperatives, we’re backing economic development initiatives to court new industry and expand existing businesses. Our goal is to bring more and better paychecks to this area.
Saving energy. Any year is a good time to save energy and lower electric bills. Our new Virtual Energy Assessment (VEA) program is just one of the services we offer to help you save money. Check out the VEA and other energy-saving ideas on our website at www.farmersrecc.com. While you’re there, log in to our Member Center and select ‘Your Meter’ to view your daily energy use.
Caring for community. Supporting the people and places along our lines is fundamental to the cooperative way of doing business. In 2021, we’ll continue our support of Ronald McDonald House Charities to help local families with hospitalized children. We’re also excited about the return of the Special Olympics Kentucky’s Summer Games and Honor Flight, two events we help to sponsor. We’re also excited to continue to donate to local causes, such as the BackPack program, Community Relief Fund and our area Family Resource Youth Service Centers.
From all of us at Farmers RECC, here’s wishing you and yours a healthy and prosperous 2021. Bring on the future. Let’s go!