As private solar installations become more prevalent, cooperative members are seeking information before making a major investment. If you are considering an energy investment for your home, we suggest a good place to start is energy efficiency. We have programs and experts who can help. If you are seeking the assurance that your home’s energy comes from green, environmentally friendly sources, please consider the options available from our cooperative.
If you wish to install a private system, remember that even if nature provides energy from the sun, there are significant costs to install solar panels. Prices vary significantly based on system size, location and much more. Take time to ensure your long-term expectations are reasonable, you understand available options and choose an option that meets your energy needs.
Solar 101: What You Need to Know
Farmers RECC Net Metering Tariff
Kentucky Attorney General Solar Scam Guide
Please contact our offices at 270-651-2191 prior to installing solar for a copy of the Net Metering application.