Farmers RECC was recently recognized by Touchstone Energy® as a member cooperative that received one...
Tired of losing your Farmers RECC bill in the mail? Make the switch to e-bills today and receive you...
Farmers RECC has announced the winners to the 2025 Frankfort and Washington Youth Tour.
During the month of January, our field inspectors (represented in blue) will be working . . .

Outage Viewer Explained

Our Outage Viewer is a powerful tool, designed to give members real-time outage information during p...
As a veteran teacher, Farmer's RECC member Steve Kistler had given decades of his life to educate th...
At Farmers RECC, our mission is to provide reliable and competitively priced energy and services tha...
The largest mutual aid deployment in Kentucky electric cooperative history was boosted by crews from...