If you own property in a rural area with power lines crossing it, please contact Farmers RECC before you plant trees, build a barn, new house or erect any structure near the right-of-way easement. The right-of-way is the corridor of land on both sides of utility poles that must be kept clear in order to safely provide you with reliable service.
Farmers RECC will be glad to mark the location of the right-of-way and explain any landscaping or construction requirements necessary.
To keep our electric system accessible, property owners cannot plant incompatible tree species, (any species that would attain a height greater than ten feet at maturity), construct buildings, structures, foundations, garden sheds, signs or erect any other structures within the right-of-way. Flower beds, vegetable gardens, compatible tree species, crops and fields for livestock grazing are acceptable within a right-way.
When planting around pad-mounted transformers or other electrical equipment, please leave adequate space for co-op employees to do maintenance.
When in doubt, though, please call before you landscape or build.
Before you do any digging, make sure to avoid hitting an underground utility line by accident. If your utility is participating in the state call center, you can call 811 to check, or call your utility, whether you are planning to dig yourself or you are hiring a professional.