It’s a common occurrence in Kentucky homes. You’re watching TV in the den on a cold January day, then suddenly find yourself in the dark and the cold — all because someone started the microwave in the kitchen.
The problem? It could be an overloaded circuit. A circuit overload occurs when appliances, TVs and other electronics like a toaster oven, for instance, draw more electricity than one circuit can handle. In other words, you asked your electrical system to do more than it’s designed to do. It’s a problem particularly common in older homes with outdated wiring.
“Overloaded electrical circuits can cause not only inconvenient power outages, but may also lead to personal injury and electrical fires,” says Caralyne Pennington, Director of Member and Public Communications at Farmers RECC.
Watch for these warning signs that indicate your electrical system is overloaded:
1. Lights often flicker, blink or dim momentarily.
2. Circuit breakers trip or fuses blow often.
3. Cords or wall plates are warm to the touch or discolored.
4. Crackling, sizzling or buzzing is heard from outlets.
If you detect any of these symptoms disconnect power to the circuit and promptly schedule a home electrical inspection to correct them. The time and investment in performing a few home repairs and upgrades are small compared with the protection and safety they can provide.