You see more electric vehicles on the road every day. What used to be a rare sighting is more common.
If you’ve bought one yourself, you could get a break on charging costs with a new pilot program from your participating
Kentucky’s Touchstone Energy Cooperative.
The pilot program provides monthly bill credits when you charge your vehicle during off-peak hours
Charging your EV as soon as you arrive home (typically at peak energy needs in the early evening), can create a significant
demand on your co-op and the electric grid, resulting in increased costs for everyone.
By delaying your charge time until after 10 p.m., you can reduce costs for the cooperative during those peak times. It helps your co-op keep rates low and helps you save money.
How does it work?
Co-op members sign up online and receive an approval email with instructions on completing the registration process. Once your application is processed, you will have granted permission for your co-op to receive charging data from your EV.
This data is collected through a trusted, third-party vendor without any work on your behalf. The data is used to determine how much of your EV charging was eligible for your charging credit.
All you need to do is simply program your EV to charge between the hours of 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. at your home (eastern
prevailing time) year round, while participating in the program.
This test program runs through June 30, 2026.
Your co-op will credit your bill $.02 for every kilowatt hour (kWh) your EV charged off-peak while at home.
That’s it! Need a charge during peak times? No problem. Charging outside the off-peak window will simply be billed at your normal rate. You can stop participating at any time by contacting your local co-op.
Who can participate?
Any residential member of a participating Kentucky’s Touchstone Energy Cooperatives who charges an EV at home
with Level 2 electric vehicle supply equipment (240 volt) is eligible to participate.
The EV must be compatible with the energy software platform utilized for this program.
We hope you’ll consider joining the pilot program to save yourself money, and to lower peak demand on the grid. It’s a win for everyone.