Seeing Clearly In 2020

Happy New Year!

Before long, we’ll get used to saying “2020,” but as we begin the year, it still sounds futuristic.
Maybe it’s because, up until now, the numbers “2020” have usually been in reference to vision that’s good enough not to need eyeglasses or contacts. 20/20 vision doesn’t mean “perfect” vision, by the way. It just means that from 20 feet away you can clearly see a line on the eye chart as well as the average person can see it from 20 feet away. A person with 20/15 vision is better than average. They can see  something from 20 feet away that the average person can only see clearly from 15 feet away.
What does that have to do with Farmers RECC?

Much of our ability to serve you with safe, reliable and efficient electricity today is only because Farmers RECC and our power supplier, East Kentucky Power Cooperative had adequate vision in the hours, days, months and years prior to today.
For instance, the electricity supply in any given moment needs to be forecast by experts who are tracking all kinds of variables, from the weather to what time a sports championship will end and when people will resume their normal activities.
Energy experts also need a much longer vision, years, even decades into the future to predict what the demand will be and where we
will generate it or buy it.

Farmers RECC also needs a clear vision of the condition of our infrastructure and a plan to keep it maintained or replaced, accordingly.  When you plant a tree on your property, do you plan for the future and make sure the mature tree’s branches will be clear of electric lines?
In addition to regular maintenance and responses to power interruptions, our lineworkers are constantly training so that they are prepared for whatever the future may hold. Meanwhile, inside our board room, our directors are testing their vision for the future. Does Farmers
RECC have the right tools and people in place to adequately answer your questions and concerns about our service?

There are so many lines on that metaphorical eye chart that Farmers RECC needs good vision to see. We need to see concerns such as workforce development, our leadership role in economic development for the communities we serve, and the political and regulatory issues that could potentially affect your bill and our service.
We are thankful for the vision of the men and women who built Farmers Rural Electric 82 years ago. We have a vivid goal today in our service for you.
It’s been said that “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” At Farmers RECC, we are checking our vision and always working to see clearly on your behalf.

William T. Prather
President & CEO