We Mean Business

At Farmers RECC, we mean business because business matters.


Commerce and industry are the lifeblood of any community, large or small. That’s just as true today as it was in 1938 when local citizens established our cooperative to transform our economy.


When new businesses arrive or existing ones expand, they create new jobs and added tax revenue — which is termed economic development. The bottom line is that the quality of life is improved for every resident.


Your cooperative has taken an active role in economic development throughout our entire existence. We’ve doubled down on this commitment in recent years because our communities need it more than ever.  


We’re laying the foundations for economic success by maintaining partnerships with state officials, agencies and other organizations. Later this month, Farmers RECC will co-host a meeting to bring together some of the commonwealth’s best economic development minds to brainstorm new and better ways to attract facilities and strengthen existing companies.


As a member of Kentucky’s Touchstone Energy Cooperatives, we’re using cutting-edge technology to aggressively court companies from across the globe. Data from aerial drone flights, online videos and mobile mapping are among the tools we employ to bring new jobs and business investment.


We’re also helping our communities develop a competitive edge by supporting technology education in local schools. Our co-op helped sponsor the Barren County Innovation Zone and their ‘Lead the Way’ program aimed at building the world’s largest science, technology, engineering and math workforce right here in Kentucky.


We know that our communities are facing economic challenges, but we are working hard to overcome them and to build a better tomorrow.


When it comes to economic development, Farmers RECC means business because everyone benefits when communities move ahead.