Farmers RECC has announced the winners of the 2023 Frankfort and Washington Youth Tour.
We encourage any Farmers RECC member who is a veteran to apply to be considered for this flight at w...

Farmers RECC in the Community

Farmers RECC recently donated and set poles for the Cub Run and Linwood Volunteer Fire departments i...
During the month of March, our field inspectors (represented in blue) will be working in the Seymour...
I feel privileged to have joined a cooperative who employs a team of highly qualified individuals wo...
Farmers RECC’s mobile app helps you stay on top of your energy habits before you get your bill.

February Line Inspection

During the month of February, our field inspectors will be working in the Seymour area.

Who Represents You?

So, here’s a question for you that local social studies teachers are likely asking their students. C...